mommy must-haves

December 20, 2016

Let me start off by saying I am no expert at this whole mom thing. I will be the first to say that it is always going to be a learning experience. I fail more times than I can count. Thankfully, the Lord’s mercies are new each day. Motherhood is tough, but I am grateful for a gracious, supportive husband and family. That being said, since I’ve been a mum for half a year now, I thought I would share my mommy must-haves.


  1. Since we are on the move often, I always keep snacks on me. When you’re nursing, you need to eat like every 5 minutes. One of my favorite easy things to grab on the go is a Larabar. They’re real, healthy ingredients that stick with me until I get to eat a meal.
  2. Going along with that, you need to drink a TON of water when you’re nursing. My sister gifted me this great, huge Starbucks cup that I take everywhere. I try to drink about 3-4 of these every day.
  3.  After Ainsley was born, I wanted to stay healthy as best I could. One of the things I’ve searched for a while now was a natural deodorant. I’ve tried them all, but none seemed to do the trick. Until I found Piper wei. It’s a small business that was on Shark Tank. I’m really happy with it. Bonus-in January, they’re coming out with a stick! It’s the little things 😉
  4. One of my number one tips for new moms when they ask is to shower. That doesn’t mean get your full face of makeup on, hair styled, normal clothes, no. Just shower. Many days I shower and put my yoga pants right back on. Trust me, by taking a 5 minute shower, you’ll feel human again. I don’t wash my hair everyday so I had to make sure I found a good dry shampoo. After trying what seemed like every brand. I landed on Batiste. They have it at TJ Maxx doe $4.79!
  5. As much as I’d like to say I don’t need caffeine to get through the day, I’d be lying. I only have about a half a cup, and I don’t even have it every day, but those mornings you’re surviving on a few hours of sleep, you need a nice hot cup of your favorite coffee.
  6. My little has a tiny bit of acid reflux. She tends to spit up after feeding. It’s gotten better as the months have gone by, but we’ve had some big accidents with mine and Matt’s clothing. A family friend suggested Fels-naptha. It’s a stain remover that I use often. You can find it in the laundry detergent aisle.
  7. Nursing pads. Yeah, you need ‘em. I found these at Buy Buy Baby and they’re nice because they’re machine washable and made of organic material.
  8. Last but not least, I always keep hand sanitizer in my diaper bag for me. I love most all of the Honest products, and this hand sanitizer is no different. Plus it’s a soothing lavender smell 🙂

Hope this is helpful to all you new moms. I’d love to hear what you other mother’s feel are must haves. You moms are my heroes!

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